Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management Blog

Our Enterprise Asset Management blog focuses on asset management philosophy as well as tactical and strategic knowledge about how EAM may be used to accelerate time-to-market and reduce costs...significantly.  We hope the content of our Enterprise Asset Management Blog is helpful to individuals and teams looking to compete in today's challenging environment.  We have been recognized by various customers and industry analysts for our results.  We share a bit about "how" in this blog.

Read to learn more about how to end hoarding of equipment in asset-intensive environments, increasing utilization by as must as 400%, reducing costs by 50% or more and increasing teamwork, collaboration, and innovation. There are posts about asset management teams, maintenance teams, engineering and manufacturing reams, software and practice design, enterprise and facility transformation, and much more.  

Asset Management Success Factors: It’s the Humans, Stupid!

By Paul McNamara | October 4, 2019

We don’t organize merely around managing assets.  Assets are easy to manage.  They never have a bad day.  They are never dissatisfied with their work, ask for more money, have hidden agendas or storm out of the room — although over the years we have heard quite a bit about how assets “walked”.  Assets can’t…

Accelerate Enterprise Processes with Trustworthy Networks-of-Test-Capabilities

By Paul McNamara | September 29, 2019

We’ve Been Building Resilient and Trustworthy Test Networks for Over 20 Years. Operations supported by test equipment are one of the most costly asset-intensive environments in large manufacturing companies. The practices and tools we use to build our customers’ asset networks are proven by results:  reducing equipment spend over 50% while decrease critical process cycle…

Trust is the Foundation for Speed

Are You Building a Foundation for Speed?

By Paul McNamara | September 25, 2019

Every solution you install in your company should enable you to increase your speed and reduce cost, and minimally should “do no harm” in either area.  Most solutions today fail this test and inadvertently reinforce old behaviors that add costs and delays because they aren’t designed to produce a foundation of trust.  Our solutions are…

Equipment Utilization: What’s your number?

By Paul McNamara | September 22, 2019

Measuring equipment utilization is the best way I know to determine if your assets are being hoarded and, as a result, if your business is incurring all of the costs associated with it.  Hoarding creates the need to acquire equipment that’s not really needed and all of the support costs as well.  It also causes…

Trust ends hoarding

Stop Hoarding, Start Collaborating, Accelerate Results

By Paul McNamara | September 22, 2019

Why Do People Hoard? Hoarding is the result of people not trusting they will get what they need when they need it.  They hoard test equipment, knowledge about tests, or services required to keep a test environment up and running and compliant…like calibration, repair, maintenance services.  They do this because they feel if they don’t…

Sente’s Solution Components…What They Are, What They Aren’t and The Big Picture

By Paul McNamara | September 12, 2019

Sente’s Pioneering Efforts Sente has been recognized as the pioneer of the Test Resource Management space where our solutions have been winning awards from customers and analysts for over 20 years.  This has been the vision we’ve pursued since our founding in 1997 and it is why we have the complete solution set that we…