Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management Blog

Our Enterprise Asset Management blog focuses on asset management philosophy as well as tactical and strategic knowledge about how EAM may be used to accelerate time-to-market and reduce costs...significantly.  We hope the content of our Enterprise Asset Management Blog is helpful to individuals and teams looking to compete in today's challenging environment.  We have been recognized by various customers and industry analysts for our results.  We share a bit about "how" in this blog.

Read to learn more about how to end hoarding of equipment in asset-intensive environments, increasing utilization by as must as 400%, reducing costs by 50% or more and increasing teamwork, collaboration, and innovation. There are posts about asset management teams, maintenance teams, engineering and manufacturing reams, software and practice design, enterprise and facility transformation, and much more.  

Asset Management that’s Responsible

By Paul McNamara | July 5, 2023

Being competitive doesn’t simply mean faster time to market and better products.  It also means employing asset management strategies that are sustainable. Achieving success in such big endeavors must be a team effort requiring all hands on deck. Company asset management teams and their management are uniquely positioned to play a big role in helping…

Enterprise Transformation Requires Transformation of Capital Structures

By Paul McNamara | June 22, 2022

Industrial revolutions are triggered by the introduction of new tools.  Companies that learn how to exploit these tools with a comprehensive capital structure strategy win.  Those who do it first dominate.  Companies that are engaged in “transformation” efforts must be focused on transforming the totality of their capital structures – not just their capital equipment…

Enterprise Asset Management TeamBlog

Asset Management 5.0: Designed for Speed & Competitiveness

By Paul McNamara | May 1, 2022

Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management (aEAM) is an award-winning software and services suite used by companies with complex, asset-intensive operations and demanding competitive requirements for better than incremental improvements to speed, agility, and cost-effectiveness. The same old solutions won’t work. This is where Scireo aEAM comes in oto help transform your business. The Results with Asset…

Accelerate Time-to-Market with a “Chief” Mindset

By Paul McNamara | March 6, 2022

People operating with a “chief” mindset are capable of seeing the world differently and more powerfully.  They can escape the cultural biases that get people stuck in habitual ways of thinking.  They act from first principles, not their gut.  Elon Musk claims that those operating in a “chief” mindset must understand the requirements of every…

Distrust leads to hoarding

That One Bad Habit That Costs You Millions

By Paul McNamara | March 2, 2022

Chances are if you’ve worked around product test for a while, you already know the one bad habit that sets test teams back the most. Hoarding!  Hoarding of equipment, labor, support services, and knowledge.  Equipment hoarding leads to: Ultra-low utilization of equipment, 10% to 20% instead of 60% plus Wasted Acquisition budgets, 25% to 50%…

Reduce Calibration Expense

Cut Calibration Costs, Improve Quality with Asset Management Algorithms

By Paul McNamara | February 26, 2022

We have spent the better part of the last 25 years continually perfecting state-of-the-art asset management software tools and practices. We’ve focused on the unique test equipment environment. We help companies increase asset utilization, reduce calibration expense and improve compliance. Asset management is where we spend all of our time thinking, inventing, and investing.  It…

Enterprise Asset Management Blog

Reduce Time-to-Market by Anticipating Constraints

By Paul McNamara | February 15, 2022

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) was widely popularized in Eli Goldratt’s best-selling book, “The Goal.” In our work in test, we’ve leveraged these principles to produce award-winning Enterprise Asset Management capabilities and results.  Our customer talks about the results they got from anticipating constraints and having strategies to overcome them in Digital Transformation:  Asset Management…

Increase Equipment Utilization, Dramatically Increase Speed

By Paul McNamara | February 14, 2022

Increase Equipment Utilization:  Test Operations are High-Leverage Targets Test’s ubiquitous presence in mission-critical engineering, manufacturing, and MRO processes makes it uniquely high-leverage as a focus for cost containment and process acceleration. It was hands down why one customer-selected test equipment operations as the place to focus.  Focus in this area is why another customer delivered…

Software Accelerates Transformation When Designed With That Intent

By Paul McNamara | February 2, 2022

Why Trust What we Say? The results we help our customers produce with our software are unmatched. You can hear one of our customers talk about it in a video linked to this blog post. In a marketplace understandably cynical about the claims of software vendors, the truth is in outcomes and we’ve produced them.…

Drive Test Equipment Utilization to Enable Investments

By Rob Small | October 4, 2021

Driving test equipment utilization is critical to meeting today’s competitive challenges.  Freeing up capacity for innovation and growth has never been more important. Companies are being asked to bring products to market in half the time and reduce their cost of operations up to 50% to succeed against aggressive global competitors. In hi-tech manufacturing businesses,…