Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management Blog

Our Enterprise Asset Management blog focuses on asset management philosophy as well as tactical and strategic knowledge about how EAM may be used to accelerate time-to-market and reduce costs...significantly.  We hope the content of our Enterprise Asset Management Blog is helpful to individuals and teams looking to compete in today's challenging environment.  We have been recognized by various customers and industry analysts for our results.  We share a bit about "how" in this blog.

Read to learn more about how to end hoarding of equipment in asset-intensive environments, increasing utilization by as must as 400%, reducing costs by 50% or more and increasing teamwork, collaboration, and innovation. There are posts about asset management teams, maintenance teams, engineering and manufacturing reams, software and practice design, enterprise and facility transformation, and much more.  

Accelerate speed

Accelerate Time-to-Market, Don’t Constrain It

By Paul McNamara | June 23, 2021

Companies must accelerate time-to-market.  Most executives wonder how hard they can push their teams before the wheels come off.  When they do push they find weaknesses in their support departments. Support departments often slow processes down by the death of a thousand cuts. The cuts aren’t always visible but they always cost – time, energy,…

Old Thinking Leads to Poor Results

Old Thinking Constrains Speed by Limiting Exploitation of Tools

By Paul McNamara | May 15, 2021

“All wealth is the product of knowledge. Matter is conserved; progress consists of learning how to use it.”    George Gilder – Economist, Investor, Author. Performance gaps are always knowledge and “capital structure” gaps. With new competitive requirements for better-than-incremental increases in speed, knowledge is the key. Human Capital, the first and most important capital…

People networking virtually

The Key to Speed: The Right People Talking about the Right Things

By Paul McNamara | March 25, 2021

When I coached my children’s sports team I was always after getting my players to talk with each other more…or at all…during their games.  Businesses have the same problem. What I found over time is the best teams and best players generally talked the most about what matters. On the ice, on the bench, in…

Controls don't work in complex environments

Scaling Solutions for Simple Problems to Complex Environments Fails

By Paul McNamara | March 8, 2021

The mistake so many people make when installing solutions in their business is not to consider whether the environment is ordered versus complex. In ordered environments, cause and effect can be understood with varying levels of skill. If the environment is complex, the ordered or simple solutions that often seek to “control” will never scale…

Enterprise Asset Management to Transform Facilities

Enterprise Asset Management Accelerates Facility Transformation

By Paul McNamara | February 12, 2021

Covid-19 has accelerated transformation efforts across many industries. With the use of tools like Zoom and MS Teams making it possible to work effectively and satisfactorily from home, many enterprises are electing to redesign and consolidate their facilities. It is ironic that these moves, made possible by technology, may initially be thwarted by technology, particularly…

Designing and Executing a Plan is a Team Sport

By Paul McNamara | February 8, 2021

Plans are only as good as your ability to execute them. Equipment plans or budgets are more than lists of equipment, they help fulfill intentions in a larger plan to bring products to market faster and increase margins, profitability, and growth. When plans are not designed and executed with these intentions in mind they can’t…

Agile Planning & Execution: How to Avoid Pileups in the Race to Market

By Paul McNamara | November 23, 2020

One of the big keys to moving products to market with velocity is swift and effective decision making. It is the key to winning any race. In a rapidly changing competitive landscape, we must be agile and effective in our planning, decision-making, and execution processes. Our practices described below help our customers improve their competitive…

With aEAM, a New Day is Dawning for Maintenance Teams

By Dennis Fuller | September 15, 2020

An ongoing critical concern of asset-intensive operations is ensuring the equipment is operational and available to produce output. A company’s revenue depends on it. Profitability is reduced if not managed effectively and the reputation of the maintenance/support teams can suffer. In a world where we have to learn to go faster and cut costs, old…

Win the Race with Better Coordination of Capacity & Constraints

By Lacey Caminsky | September 8, 2020

In today’s fast-changing environment, business teams need to be able to anticipate resource constraints and plan contingencies quickly to avoid costly delays and frustrations. Failure to perform to new competitive requirements could mean the difference between winning and losing new business.  Teams are being asked to… Cut time-to-market by 50%… and cut cost 50%. Hoarding…

Test Equipment being calibrated

Reduce Calibration Costs, Increase Quality & Speed!

By James Fisher | September 1, 2020

Most people understand the importance of calibrated equipment to quality measurements and most people think it costs too much. It actually does, probably by 25% or more, which is why so many companies have projects to reduce calibration costs.  Those costs aren’t high because your calibration supplier’s cost per calibration is too high or quality…