Introducing Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management – aEAM

Introducing aEAM Blog

Paul McNamara

Asset-Intensive operations have their own set of unique challenges when considering how they will be transformed for speed and cost competitiveness post-Covid-19. aEAM is looking like an answer to CEOs who, emboldened by the initial adoption of collaboration tools made necessary by Covid-19, intend to accelerate broader changes required to drive speed and efficiency into their operations.  Asset-intensive areas are surely a challenge that won’t simply be solved by video meetings.  These critical processes that bring products to the market through engineering and manufacturing and that sustain them in the field are always costly and often too slow. Current asset management approaches are at cause. Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management is a transformational new approach to asset management pioneered by Sente.

Asset Management: In Need of Transformation

Common enterprise asset management solutions reinforce old ways of operating, frustrating efforts to increase speed and competitiveness by inhibiting critical processes.  Rather than enabling tight coordination of assets and collaboration between users and asset support functions, common solutions force equipment users to hoard equipment and knowledge to get their job done. These behaviors inhibit speed to a pace that may have been satisfactory in the past but which is no longer competitive.

Transforming Asset-Intensive Enterprise Processes with aEAM.

Asset-Intensive processes must be transformed from the costly, complex, rigid, and slow processes that are vestiges of the past, to the efficient, resilient, fluid, and agile processes that are required today.  The ubiquitous nature of assets as part of these processes means asset management can act as an agent of transformation if it can transform itself first.

Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management’s (aEAM): Changing Focuses

While aEAM does change the focus, it doesn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.  In other words, the concerns addressed by existing asset management focuses are cared for with aEAM…but to a higher standard and with additional benefits as well.  Focuses must change from…

  • Compliance to accountability
  • Process to outcomes
  • Asset movement to asset coordination
  • Managing assets to managing a portfolio of capabilities
  • Asset costs to total costs (time, energy, money, lost opportunity)

Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management’s (aEAM): Accelerating Results

The results that are made possible by changes in focus and our new aEAM practice accelerators lead to the following results…

  • 4X improvements to asset utilization
  • 2X improvements to speed / time-to-market
  • 3X improvement to cost savings
  • 40% reduction in obsolescence risk

Assets and People…Working Together, Better

Installing processes that are trustworthy, helpful and easy to use by all the people who use or support an asset during its life – from engineering and manufacturing users to project managers, analysts, maintenance, calibration, facilities, vendor support organizations, quality, property management, purchasing, and finance – establishes a resilient network.

This trustworthy network makes hoarding unnecessary and enables the innovation necessary to produce competitive advantages.  They use these competitive advantages of cost and speed to gain market share, increase profitability, and create new career opportunities for themselves and their colleagues.  This end state is our vision:  Working Together, Better!

aEAM Accelerators Transform Results

In an age where speed is a competitive necessity, solutions, and software that can’t keep up will die out.  The visible symptoms of failure in this new age are continued and persistent equipment hoarding, data inaccuracy, high levels of obsolescence, and low utilization. These point to people working in silos, disconnected from the impact of their performance on the whole business.  To accelerate requires aEAM, a new take on enterprise asset management pioneered by The Sente Group, Inc.  Key attributes of what accelerates our aEAM solution are listed below.

  • A Whole Team software approach where all Users and Support Functions are supported as part of a resilient network including all resources, assets, facilities, and support functions required for success.
  • Embedded Knowledge that enables rapid decision-making and produces trust across the network for all team members enabling Work Acceleration and Asset Utilization Acceleration.
  • A Culture Change Algorithm supported by the aEAM software and integrated with your performance management and communications methods.

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See how Scireo aEAM Software drops asset and support costs by 50% while accelerating time-to-market 2X.

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Notable Quotes

“Sente’s Scireo® solution sets a new benchmark in customer experience by increasing collaboration and communications among all participants of a test program. They drive cycle time and cost efficiencies, optimizing asset utilization and technical labor productivity, and applying best practices in knowledge management to increase speed and drive standardization of test resources.”

Industry Analyst, Frost & Sullivan